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Hill and Dale Series 2024

Series Details
Hill and Dale Series 2024

The Hill and Dale Series consists of 10 races, with 6 to count to qualify for a series prize

Race 1  April 11th   Castlewellan – Castlewellan Forest Park 
Race 2  April 18st   Tollymore   - Tollymore Forest Park
Race 3  April 25th   Slieve Martin -  Rostrevor Forest Park
Race 4  May 2th      Binnian -  Carricklittle Track
Race 5  May 16th    Rocky  -  Leitrim Lodge 
Race 6  May 23th     Luke’s – Meelmore Lodge
Race 7  May  30th    Millstone – Donard Forest Park
Race 8  June 6th      Loughshannagh – Ott Car Park
Race 9  June 13th    Meels  -  Meelmore Lodge
Race 10 June 21st   Drinnahilly – Donard Forest Park

To take part in the races you must first have registered to take part in the Series.  

Participant must be at least 15 years old before the 1st January 2024 to take part

Events in this Series

To enter you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

Castlewellan - Thu 11 Apr 24 (Entries Closed)
Tollymore - Thu 18 Apr 24 (Entries Closed)
Slieve Martin - Thu 25 Apr 24 (Entries Closed)
Binnian - Thu 2 May 24 (Entries Closed)
Rocky - Thu 16 May 24 (Entries Closed)
Luke's - Thu 23 May 24 (Entries Closed)
Millstone - Thu 30 May 24 (Entries Closed)
Loughshannagh - Thu 6 Jun 24 (Entries Closed)
Meels - Thu 13 Jun 24 (Entries Closed)
Drinnahilly - Fri 21 Jun 24 (Entries Closed)