Info: New entries for this event closed on Wednesday 1st January 2025.
Senior | £7.00 | |
Junior / Student | £3.00 |
Saturday Series local orienteering event at Gelt Woods near Brampton - see website for details.
Gelt Woods is a mixed woodland. It is generally runnable but has some steep slopes and enormous crags. There is also a small area of rough open (only on the Green). Please note the Green does have some steep descents – the Short Green does not. You can change course before the closing date! Some of the paths are covered in leaf litter and are difficult to see. The Green course will encounter areas of severe windblow, these can be (and should be) avoided.
(Sorry, no dogs allowed on courses)
Length Climb Controls
Green 4.0km 235m 18
Sh. Green 2.3km 130m 14
V.S.Green** 1.6km 70m 9
Novice 1.6km 70m 11
**Very Short Green – this is the same course as Short Green but with some controls missed out. If you want to do Very Short Green, enter Short Green and pick up a Short Green Map at the start. The map will show which controls to miss. You can decide while on the course whether to take the Very Short Green cut-off.
Starts from: 11.00 – 12.30
Groups and Pairs / Extra Maps
If you are new to orienteering and would like to go round as a group or in a pair, just enter one person and use the option to select any additional maps that your group would like at £1 each.
Dibber Hire
Available by pre-order at no charge, £30 if not returned. To pre-order, leave the SI number blank during entry process, and then collect dibber from Enquiries/Download on the day.
Entry Cancellation / Change
If you are unable to make the event please let us know via the email address. If we are informed by the closing date we will provide a refund less £1 per person to cover admin costs. Before the closing date you can change your course by editing your entry online, but there will be no changes of course on the day.
View the Event Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.
View the Event Cancellation / Refund Policy.