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Tay & Ram Virtual Event

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Thursday 1st July to Thursday 30th September 2021

Entries Open
Thursday 13th May 2021
Entries Close
Friday 30th July 2021
Entries So Far
15 Participants
Entry Fees
Entry Fee   £30.00   
Gavin Taylor

A 3 month virtual distance challenge throughout the months of July, August and September. Entrants go at their own pace, trying to accumulate as much distance as they can. A no pressure race - run, jog or walk the dog!

Entrants will need to record their monthly mileage from either of the fitness apps that most are using today for example Strava, Garmin, Suunto, Nike, Polar or basic enough data from health apps available on iOS and Android devices at the end of each month.

Data/evidence can be uploaded and be confirmed by the team organisers - provide a simple screenshot of the total mileage gained in that month. Entrants will receive a bespoke medal for each month completed, with each medal piecing together to make a bespoke, 3 piece medal. Can you complete all 3 months to gain all 3 pieces?

Daily exercise is of huge benefit to our mental and physical wellbeing - particularly during these challenging times.  Sign up for our virtual challenge, and use it as motivation to get yourself out of the door. Run a marathon, walk round the block - it doesn't matter! Set yourself some goals and challenge yourself to meet them. We loved hearing all of your stories and achievements from last year's event, so get involved and be part of something inspiring.

Evidence to be uploaded and sent to

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