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Roundhay 50

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Saturday 15th to Sunday 16th February 2025

Entries Open
Monday 3rd June 2024
Entries Close
Saturday 1st February 2025
Entries So Far
168 Participants
Entry Fees
LDWA Member   £30.00   
Non Member   £45.00   
Madeleine Watson

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*****    Limit: 220 entries   **********

The Roundhay 50 consists of 2 different loops which both start and finish at St Edmund's Church in Roundhay. The main start will be at 8:30am, with an additional start at 9:30am aimed at runners and faster walkers. Please note the opening and closing times of checkpoints (which will be strictly enforced). An earlier start will be available on request. 

The first loop goes through Roundhay Park, follows the Wyke Beck to Temple Newsam and then goes East to join the Leeds Country Way. The route follows the Leeds Country Way through Garforth (CP1), Barwick-in-Elmete, Thorner and Bardsey (CP2) and then cuts back from Wike via Shadwell to return to St Edmund's Church. After re-fuelling with a light meal, you will head off on the second loop.

The second loop goes down Gledhow Valley Woods to join the Meanwood Valley Trail. Heading North, there is a checkpoint at Alwoodley. The route then goes past the end of Eccup Reservoir, close to the filming set of Emmerdale, into Harewood Estate for the final checkpoint in the Village Hall. The final leg goes back through the edge of Harewood Estate to Wike and follows the same route back to Roundhay.

Checkpoint opening and closing times are given on the website. Anyone arriving outside of those times will have to wait (if early) or will be retired from the event (if late).

As this event will take place in February, participants must be prepared for potentially bad weather. Although the route does not go to very high ground and is relatively close to civilisation at all times, it is mostly off roads and it is the middle of winter! Minimum kit is given below which all participants must wear / carry at all times.

Minimum kit: full waterproofs, hat, gloves, fleece top, long trousers, map with route on, route description, compass, whistle, mug, emergency food, torch.

There will be plenty of food at the checkpoints, as well as hot and cold drinks. There will be shops available en route on the first loop where the checkpoints are a bit further apart, so you can buy additional supplies if necessary. We will cater for vegetarians and may have some vegan and gluten free options available, but this cannot be guaranteed. 

A full route description as well as .gpx file will be available approx. 2 weeks before the event. Draft versions will be available prior to that.

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Event Location
St Edmund's Church Hall