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Rodney's Pillar

Event Website

Wednesday 5th June 2024

Entries Open
Monday 13th May 2024 at 15:00
Entries Close
Tuesday 4th June 2024 at 18:00
Entries So Far
65 Participants
Entry Fees

£7 Pre-entry

£10 entry on the day

Event Organiser - Simon Adney

WFRA registered fell race; AS 5.2km 300m (3.2 miles / 900 ft)

Start: 19:30

Registration and prize giving are in Criggion Village Hall.

Parking facilities TBC. (DO NOT PARK ON THE ROAD. This blocks local traffic and may result in access to the hill being withdrawn in future).

Compulsory kit to carry - wind top if windy or rainy. Waterproofs may be required if weather is inclement.

Minimum age on day - 15 (parental consent form to be filled in)

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