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Mills n Moors Series - Pen y Ghent

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Sunday 19th May 2024

Entries Open
Thursday 7th March 2024 at 09:00
Entries Close
Saturday 18th May 2024 at 17:00
Entries So Far
34 Participants
Entry Fees
Entry Fee   £15.00   
Event Organiser - Adrian Wright

We connect grass covered lanes and pale limestone bones of the old tracks that cross the Yorkshire Dales to bring you a treat of a ride around Pen y Ghent.  A mix of bridleways and quiet lanes give a brilliant view of all sides of this Yorkshire Peak via Stainforth, Fountains Fell, out along the River Skirfare and on past the Dales village of Halton Gill to the tiny hamlet of Foxup then its semi-wild moorland on farmers double track.

The starting line is outside the 3 Peaks Cycle Cafe in Settle and every rider receives a £5 voucher as part of their signing on 'package' which they can spend on tea/coffee and a cake in the cafe between 8.30am - 10am.  You will receive both gpx routes in the week leading up to the event and so you can choose which route you fancy nearer the day.

Any one of the following bikes would get you around the route: Gravel bike / Cyclocross bike / Mountain bike / E-bike

1. 'Red' grade route - 42km / 770 meters

From the shop we head up Constitution Hill and onto Langcliffe and take a steady climb for 2km on the minor road the sharp left to take the bridleway down Goat Scar Lane to arrive in Stainforth.  The second long climb of the day is on Silverdale Road where we make the most of the smooth tarmac to pass in front of Pen Y Ghent and  then take an excellent bridleway that crosses the north slope of Fountains Fell and takes us towards Litton and along the beautiful River Skirfare to the village of Halton Gill (pub alert) and a little further on the hamlet of Foxup. 

The center piece of the route lies ahead as we take a long green lane (bridleway) that passes along the north face of Pen y Ghent.  There is a short and step section of rough track that every rider will have to push but its soon done with and it takes us onto one of the best upland fells in the north of England. Ahead of you is 8km of proper 'rough stuff' riding.  No cars. No pollution. Just grand views in all directions views.  

We're soon back at Horton in Ribblesdale where most riders will stop awhile and enjoy the cafes and pubs. Not for too long however as there is 10km of minor lanes to ride along via Little Stainforth to enjoy the quiet route with fine views of the River Ribble. 

2. 'Black' grade route - 56km / 1,000 meters

From the shop its the same trail as route 1 but once you arrive in Horton its north towards High Birkwith and a sharp left to take the Pennine Bridleway wooden bridge over the River Ribble and head up n over to Sulber Gate and the superb limestone scenery. Swoop downhill to Austwick and take a number of flowing green lanes to Feizor before an easy ride back into Settle and the 3 Peaks Cycles cafe. NB: this is NOT a downhill mtb type route bit its labelled 'black' as its a long ride over remote moorland.

Event details

The rides on the 'Mills n Moors Series' are a personal challenge. They are not races, there is no ‘mass start' and the route is NOT way marked. The routes use bridleways and tracks of gravel, peat and stone and whilst they are challenging, as we cross large areas of cross open moorland and there is no rescue vehicle, they are NOT techy enduro or downhill mtb style routes. 

Both routes start from the front of the 3 Peaks Cycle shop and the ride ends back at the cafe.  You are invited to enjoy the delicious food in the 3 Peaks Cycle cafe or visit the shop and its range of bike bits n pieces. Maps and a description of the routes together with the location of the starting line can be found on the Yorkshire Divide website:

Meet us at the start line between 8.30am-10am for a cup of tea / coffee and pick up your embroidered cloth badge and head off.  There is no ‘mass start’.

The group social ride departs at 10.10am from the front of the bike shop. We will be on the 'blue' grade 42km route which will take between 4-6 hours.  If you aren’t in a hurry to get around the route and just want to ride with a bunch of other folk on a bike then join us (minimum age of 18 years old).  There is no fixed speed we cycle at. We will be stopping and waiting for each other and we can take turns opening the many gates! 

It should be note that there is no 'guided' ride.  It is a group social ride.  It is not lead by a profession/qualified outdoor instructor and there is no mechanical backup except the fixing of the occasional puncture.  

Any one of the following bikes would get you around the route: Gravel bike / Cyclocross bike / Mountain bike / E-bike The terrain is not suitable for road bikes. Any question about the ride then please contact: 


The organisers do not provide insurance: Therefore it is advisable to have your own insurance. Being insured through either British Cycling, Cycling UK or other appropriate body would help cover you for your personal liability and any possible bike loss/damage or injury.




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Event Location
3 Peaks Cycles, Settle, North Yorkshire