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Borrowdale Fell Race

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Saturday 3rd August 2024

Entries Open
Saturday 15th June 2024
Entries Close
Friday 2nd August 2024 at 15:00
Entries So Far
243 Participants
Entry Fees
Entry Fee   £16.00   
Race Organiser - Andrew Schofield

To enter you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

17 miles including 6500 feet of ascent (27km, 2000m) starting and finishing at the Scafell Hotel, Rosthwaite at 11am  and visiting the following checkpoints:

  • Start/Finish - Scafell Hotel Rosthwaite 258148
  • 1 - Bessy Boot summit 258125
  • 2 - Esk Hause shelter 235083
  • 3 - Scafell Pike summit 215072
  • 4 - Styhead stretcher box 219095 (closes 2.20 pm)
  • 5 - Great Gable summit 211104
  • 6 - Honister Hause 225135 (closes 3.30 pm)
  • 7 - Dalehead summit 223154

The route to Bessy Boot will be through Chapel Farm and up Rottenstone Gill. The checkpoint at Styhead stretcher box will close at 2.20pm and the Honister Hause checkpoint will close at 3.30 pm.

To be eligible to compete in Borrowdale Fell Race runners must have previous experience of long, arduous fell races and, if they have not previously completed Borrowdale Fell Race, runners must have completed at least two different category A or B long or two different category A medium fell races (race categories as defined by the Fell Runners Association) since 1st January 2022. Entry to Borrowdale Fell Race will be refused to any runner who cannot demonstrate such experience. 
The Race will be limited to 350 competitors. For the avoidance of doubt - NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THE DAY.
Queries about entries or eligibility should be directed to Andrew Schofield (Scoffer) via email to 

Whatever the weather, runners must carry WATERPROOF full body cover (with a hood attached to the top and the
seams must be taped), a hat, gloves, a map suitable for navigating round the route of the Race, a compass, a
whistle and emergency food.

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Event Location