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small park BIG RUN DIY Event - any time

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Saturday 22nd to Sunday 23rd June 2024

Entries Open
Friday 29th March 2024
Entries Close
Thursday 20th June 2024
Entries So Far
27 Participants
Entry Fees

Please donate what you wish to

Event Organiser

Anywhere you like, alongside our event in Meersbrook Park, Sheffield 22-23 June 2024, noon to noon 


small park BIG RUN is being held again this year in Meersbrook Park Sheffield 22-23 June 2024, noon to noon. It is a unique, fun, 24-hour running community challenge in Meersbrook Park, Sheffield, raising awareness and funds for women’s education and children’s mental health in Palestine. More details can be found here.  


If you can't make it then please organise your own DIY event. 


The situation for Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank has deteriorated terribly since October last year. Aside from the awful killing - in Gaza over 31000 people have been killed among them over 12000 children - the destruction of civil and cultural life has been overwhelming. The International Court of Justice has found it plausible that Israel's acts could amount to genocide.  

By participating you can display solidarity, empathy and friendship with the people of Palestine, help give them strength to continue resisting and send a message that people of conscience around the world have not forgotten them. 

The funds we raise will now be needed more than ever. Details of how to fund-raise for these projects can be found here


We are again asking you to do something in your own home or garden with the people you live with or your local park with friends on the day when the run would have been. 


Even if you cannot be with us on the day, please try to join us on a zoom when we will be broadcasting a mass sing - involving six choirs, the runners and their families and anyone else who wants to join in - from the park to the children in Gaza. Keep an eye out for the zoom link and find out more information on our programme page. 


Need inspiration? 

Have a look at some of the amazing things people did last year and if you have facebook, catch up on the photos on our facebook page


Please do tell us what you are doing, where you are and who you are with. Send a message of solidarity and let's make this a solstice to remember. 


If you have any additional questions not covered in the FAQs below please contact: 


To sign up: 


We ask everyone who can to please donate what you can afford: this event is free but please donate here and also please see how to fundraise here. We know these are hard times for everyone. 100 per cent of your donations will go towards the projects we fund. 


You will also be able to ask us to contact you about ordering a commemorative t-shirt, buff or a mug via the registration form. You can see the range of t-shirt sizes and all prices here 

Thank you very much for taking part and helping fund these fantastic projects and importantly giving some hope to Palestinian people 



What is involved in registering an activity? 

You will be asked for some contact details, what you are planning and when (your activity can be anytime but we would like to encourage you do it between midday June 22nd and midday June 23rd). You will be able to give the names of other people who are involved. 

Alternatively "registration" will be available after the 22/23 June so you can post-register and tell us what you did and how it went at the same time. 


Are there ID or minimum age requirements to organise an activity? 

There are no minimum age requirements: these are your activities but we would like to remind you of the advice we have given previously for our 24-hour run:. 

  • Anyone under the age of 11 must be accompanied by a parent/carer, who must have them in their sight at all times. 

  • Anyone between the ages of 11 and 16 may run independently, but must have permission of a parent/carer, who must take responsibility for their well-being and safety. 

We want to make this an enjoyable experience for everyone and include as many of the local community as possible. If you are having trouble making arrangements please contact us 


How can I contact the organiser with any questions? 

Please email 

We will try our best to answer you within 7 days 


Can I update my registration information? 

Yes. You can change any activity details and also this is the way we'd like you to tell us how it went.To edit your registration click the GREEN Enter Online button on the registration page again, under "Entry Details" click the BLUE "Edit/Substitute" button against the entry you want to update, make your alterations and click the GREEN "NEXT"  button and finally the GREEN "SAVE ENTRY" button at the bottom of the next page.

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Event Location
Meersbrook Park, Chesterfield Road, Sheffield, S8 9FB