Info: New entries for this event closed on Friday 23rd February 2024 at 21:00.
Individual (per person) | £5.00 | |
Family (per team) | £20.00 | |
(2 adults & up to 3 children) |
This is a fun run/walk for the entire school community, taking place at 12 noon on Saturday 24th February. The distance is 5k over a flat course at the Lets Go Hydro complex.
The course will entail 3 laps around the reservoir and will be marshalled but not timed. (Runners can of course time themselves if they choose).
We hope that everyone will join in and try to get lots of sponsorship from family and friends.
Please go our Fundraising Page at:
Every single donation will help the school create new opportunities for the pupils. Even if you can't participate on the day, we'd appreciate your donation and please encourage friends and family to sponsor you if you are running/walking on the day!!
Goodie bag for every finisher!
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