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Online Mountain Navigation Masterclass

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Tuesday 9th April 2024

Bookings Open
Wednesday 4th October 2023
Bookings Close
Monday 8th April 2024
Bookings So Far
5 Participants
Booking Fees
Booking Fee   £30.00   
Course Organiser - Charles Sproson

Online OMM/Mountain Navigation Masterclass | Delivered through Zoom | Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 19:00

An online 2 hour theory session based around mountain navigation for events such as the OMM with Sean Bolland, Elite OMM Winner. 

Learn to navigate in the comfort of your own home with Sean Bolland aka 'The Nav Guy', Elite OMM Winner and MR Navigation Coach.

What to expect? 

  • A professionally designed and delivered online theory session
  • Delivered clearly and concisely with time to take notes
  • Slides and screens to be able to follow
  • A follow up email and notes/slides for you to cover at home
  • A short Q&A directly after the session

Who is it for? 

  • Any runner who wants to develop their Mountain and Mountain Marathon navigation skill set.
  • On the course, Sean will deliver, tried and tested methods of mountain marathon navigation gearing it specifically to mountain marathon navigation and decision making.
  • If you are looking to take the edge on your competition, then taking 2 hours to listen and learn from Sean will be an invaluable experience.

What will we cover? 

We will discuss common mistakes that people often repeat and how to utilise navigation apps to supplement learning.

From a running perspective, understanding the relevant differences between the three main maps scales, 1:25, 1:50 and 1:40, and how to be comfortable using all three scales.

Tips and recommendations on kit set up (map and compass) that will enhance navigation accuracy and speed up the learning process.

We’ll go over basic skills such as:

  • Orientating the map using the land features, the compass, and compass bearings.
  • Interpretation of contour lines.
  • Understanding and using scales whilst on the run.

We’ll then go into route choice and distance estimation.

This is followed by discussion on more advanced navigation techniques including:

  • Handrails
  • Catching features
  • Aiming off
  • Attack points
  • Break the leg down into sections
  • Micro navigation
  • Rough navigation

The class then moves to discussing putting the above into number of real life route planning exercise including legs of previous OMM events.

Finish off with putting the above into practice. For those who don’t live near mountains, using orienteering maps and events can be great for regular practice.

For those using the session for competition such the OMM discuss techniques such as moving through control points, utilising quad bike tracks, understanding your partner.

More details at:

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