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Bowland Fell Runners

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Membership Website

Monday 1st January to Tuesday 31st December 2024

Renewal Period
Sunday 1st October 2023 to Monday 30th September 2024
Memberships So Far
175 Applicants
Membership Fees

Senior Membership (18+)  £10 / year
Student Membership £5 / year
Junior Membership (17-)  £5 / year

Declan O'Duffy

To join you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

Bowland Fell Runners was established in October 1993 to encourage runners of all abilities interested in fell running as a sport and who identify with the Forest of Bowland as an area to enjoy their running, whether it is for training and racing or simply for the fun of it!  We are generally a free and easy establishment with no committee and very little bureaucracy, hence the low yearly subscription!  The club is affiliated to England Athletics for the purposes of insurance but individual affiliation can be arranged if required (at an extra cost, contact the secretary for details). 

Club membership is from January to December, but includes the following year if you join after October 1st.

Membership subscriptions cover general administration and website costs.  We are a non-profit organisation and often donate to our chosen charity the ‘Bowland Pennine Mountain Rescue’

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Membership Location
Forest of Bowland