Info: New entries for this event closed on Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 17:20.
6 hrs- £43 (affiliated) £45 non 12 hrs- £53 (affiliated) £55 non
In simple terms run as many of the 4.2 mile loops as you can within your chosen time limit.
Only complete laps will be counted, so you will need to work out if it's worth starting another lap if you've only 30 mins to get around. If there are multiple runners having completed the same number of laps within the time period, then finishing places will be decided by the fastest cumulative time.
The course has approx 500ft of elevation gain per loop. The distance has been chosen so that runners thinking about or training for a Backyard ultra can practise pacing (complete each loop within 1 hr- 50 miles in 12 hrs)
The event will start at 10am, obviously the 6 hr race will end at 4pm, and the 12 hr race will end at 10pm, meaning head torches will be required for the last few hours.
There will be snacks (including Vegan), such as flapjacks, gels, crisps , fruit and biscuits available. There will also be access to a coffee van, and complimentary Pizza.
You can access our car sharing group on Facebook, where you can arrange car sharing opportunities with other race day participants. Great for the environment and great for your pocket.... and you could win free race places in our car share raffle! Car Share group
View the Event Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.
View the Event Cancellation / Refund Policy.
This event offers the option to purchase XCover, so that participants may be able to get a refund if they are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.