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The 10 in 10 and Family 5 in 5 Challenge

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Saturday 22nd June 2024

Entries Open
Saturday 15th June 2024
Entries Close
Wednesday 19th June 2024
Entry Fees
10 in 10   £40.00   
Family 5 in 5 (Adult)   £35.00   
Family 5 in 5 (Under 16)   £25.00   

+ booking fee

Adult entry fees includes a Berghaus 10in10 t-shirt*.
Children's entry fee includes a medal and certificate.

*Late entries cannot be guaranteed to receive their preferred T-shirt size

Yvonne Booth
07810 522 889

Welcome to the 10 in 10 and Family 5 in 5 - Every year we organise a walking challenge in the English Lake District to raise money for the MS Society. Ten peaks in the Lake District to be completed in ten hours - or a five peak, family friendly challenge.

The annual 10 in 10 challenge was designed and created by Yvonne Booth in 2011. It was her response to her husband Duncan’s diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis in 2010. As a wife and mother of three sons, she wanted to do something positive and help raise money for research into this cruel illness.

Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating neurological disease with no cure.

Every June, hundreds of people walk over ten mountains in ten hours or five mountains. 

Walkers are sponsored to take part - so far they have raised over £800,000 for research into Multiple Sclerosis.  We encourage each participant to attempt to raise at least £200 for the MS Society UK.

This year we will be heading over Causey Pike, Sail, Crag Hill, Wandope, Whiteless Pike, High Snockrigg, Robinson, Dale Head, High Spy, Maiden Moor. You will register between 6:30am and 9am at the Swinside Inn, here you will be given your number and a waterproof map.

Family 5in5
The Family 5in5 starts and finishes at the Swinside Inn, near Keswick. The route is approx. eight miles long and takes in five peaks – Causey Pike (637m), Scar Crags (672m), Outerside (568m), Stile End (447m) and Barrow (455m). It is an achievable challenge for an active family.  However, please do not underestimate the terrain and nature of this route and the potential for changeable weather. 

No Cure Always Hope Ultra Run - a 37 mile classic fell running challenge over 26 peaks with 17,000 feet of ascent.

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This event offers the option to purchase XCover, so that participants may be able to get a refund if they are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.

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